Monday, July 22, 2013

I need to go shopping

It's getting down to crunch time, so I've started listing out what I need to pack and figuring out which of these things still need to be purchased or replaced. It looks like I'll be needing to buy a lot of stuff, mostly toiletries and basics. Nearly everything is more expensive in France, so I'm going to try to bring as much as I can with me. I have most of the big-ticket items covered, but I do need new running shoes pretty badly. Actually, I need new shoes in general pretty badly. Those are definitely more expensive in France, so I'll have to get those here before I go!

I'm starting to discover that there are quite a few unusual items I need to bring with me. Well, "need" is relative, but for me they are necessities! Fore example, apparently peanut butter is hard to come by in Europe. I LOVE peanut butter. I don't use the sugary stuff like Jiff or Skippy, but my natural, unsalted peanut butter from Trader Joe's is something I use daily. If I want to keep this creature comfort from home, then I need to bring some in my luggage. 

Also, good vanilla extract is nearly impossible to find. This horrifies me! I love to bake, and I use vanilla extract in almost everything I bake. It is absolutely necessary for chocolate chip cookies, which is one of my favorite things in the universe. I also use a little of it in my coffee. So basically, I need to take a gigantic bottle with me. Come on, my host family needs to try my all-American homemade chocolate chip cookies!!! I own at making those. Mmm.

Maple syrup is also not readily available in France, which makes sense I suppose because maple trees are a very North American thing. I love to use maple syrup on pancakes and French toast, and I would love to introduce my host family to this glorious topping, so I'll bring at least a small bottle with me. 

My favorite toiletries that I use every day most likely won't be available in France, and if they are available to purchase then they will be more expensive, so I'm going to bring those things with me. This is especially relevant for deodorant and feminine care products, I've been told, so if you are moving to France (or Europe in general), be warned!

My friend who studied abroad in Paris for a year said that while they will obviously not have everything that we do in America, the grocery stores will have most of the products that Americans are used to, though they will be French versions of these products. I think it will be kind of fun to compare American and French grocery products! Actually, maybe it will just be embarrassing, because I know that a lot of French food items are of a lot greater quality than American food items (mostly regarding butter, wine, and chocolate). I'm looking forward to getting used to shopping for items in France, I feel like I will fit in a lot better once I know my way around a store and know what I like.

I feel like my brain is all over the place right now, there is so much information to take in and so much to consider. I'll be back with a more detailed shopping list and tips! (and hopefully a more organized brain too)

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