Sunday, March 31, 2013

Reading the Pages: And So it Begins!

To most people, traveling is an enjoyable leisure activity with a very specific purpose. These people travel to get away from their lives, if only for a little while. They often travel to sunny, tropical beaches and stay in resorts. They relax in the sun, swim in the ocean or pool, and luxuriate in doing absolutely nothing. 

To others, travel is more than an escape from daily life: it's a way to find your life. It is a passion that burns like a fire in your heart. You want to go everywhere, anywhere. You want to learn about the places you visit. You want to explore the nooks and crannies of your location, places that most people don't stick to. You may hit the tourist spots, but you ultimately want -- no, need -- to dig beneath the surface. You immerse yourself in the culture, talk to the local citizens, and research copiously before you leave. Travel is a way of life that you could not imagine living without.

While I do love escaping to a warm, sunny beach when life gets crazy (everyone needs that once in a while, don't they?), I was bitten by the travel bug. Hard. 

I went on my first trip abroad in the winter of 2012-2013, and I have not been the same since I came back. Something clicked inside of me, and I knew that I was meant to deeply experience the world. I may not have a lot of money, but I am determined to go as many places as I can, and I know that if you really want something, you can make it happen. 

I want to share all of my travel adventures, both near and far, and I hope that anyone reading this will be inspired in the way that I was inspired by the awe of going where you have never gone before.